Wildflower Vase
A perfect gift!
Our signature Wildflower gift bouquets, created in-store with a fresh selection of seasonal blooms. Sourced from some of the finest wholesaler both locally and abroad. This gift comes complete in a vase for easy display and is low maintenance to look after.
Our vases are then gift wrapped in a box with a bow, flower food and a hand written card message.
Please note that the product may differ to the image shown, if you would like to order something more specific, either let me know in the delivery notes or phone us to discuss what you would like
A perfect gift!
Our signature Wildflower gift bouquets, created in-store with a fresh selection of seasonal blooms. Sourced from some of the finest wholesaler both locally and abroad. This gift comes complete in a vase for easy display and is low maintenance to look after.
Our vases are then gift wrapped in a box with a bow, flower food and a hand written card message.
Please note that the product may differ to the image shown, if you would like to order something more specific, either let me know in the delivery notes or phone us to discuss what you would like
A perfect gift!
Our signature Wildflower gift bouquets, created in-store with a fresh selection of seasonal blooms. Sourced from some of the finest wholesaler both locally and abroad. This gift comes complete in a vase for easy display and is low maintenance to look after.
Our vases are then gift wrapped in a box with a bow, flower food and a hand written card message.
Please note that the product may differ to the image shown, if you would like to order something more specific, either let me know in the delivery notes or phone us to discuss what you would like